As long as you can find a babysitter, that is.
A good romantic diner starts off with a good drink. Why not a virgin Bloody Mary? Listen, guys, these are easy to make and will be a hit with your girl, whether you're married or not. Same oges for the ladies. And hey, it's red. A perfect color for Valentine's Day.
If you're married, does that make it a Bloody Married, instead? Hmmm...
3 cups canned vegetable juice (like V8)
1 teaspoon of prepared horseradish mustard
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Traditionally, a Bloody Mary, virginal or otherwise, uses tomato juice, pure horseradish, and adds the lemon only as garnish. I like this variation, better.
Mix the listed ingredients together and serve over ice in two large tumblers. Garnish with a lemon wedge, or a small stalk of celery (with leaves) if desired.
Picture by Jordi Farres
Sounds great I thinks I will add spirits beats buying a mix Thanks for sharing.
hehehe... "spirits." Reminds me of the sign on the SLC bar, "Port-O-Call" which advertises "Food ~ 'Ghosts' ~ Fun" inasmuch as Utah liquor laws forbid blatant public advertising of spiritous liquor.
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